CMM Directory Australasia and Asia
There are currently over 400 Certified Marina Managers across the world. The directory below lists those who are working on marinas in Australasia and Asia.
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Directory Australasia and Asia
Mike Harvey, CMM
Richard Hewett, CMP
John Hogan, CMP
Matthew Hundleby, CMM
Nairn Johnston, CMM
Kenny Kang, CMP
Cliff Lewis, CMO
Jayson McDonald, CMM
Philip McGowen, CMM
Shane McInnes, CMM
Bruno Meier, CMM, CMP
Ahmed Mohamed Abdelhalim, CMM, CMP
Peter Moxham, CMM
Daniel Natchez, CMP
Paul O’Rourke, CMP
Chief Executive Officer
Clemens Overdijk, CMM
Daryl Potter, CMP
Rudy Puystjens, CMM
David Randall, CMM
Subhashni (Cynthia) Rasch, CMM