Certified Member Directory
There are currently over 400 Certified Marina Managers and Certified Marina Professionals across the world. The directories below list those who are working in marinas within the UK, Europe, Australasia and Asia
Global directory
Can Akaltan, CMM
Ioannnis Alexopoulos, CMM
Steve Arber, CMM
Kevin Baird, CMM
Selcuk Balci, CMM
Nikola Banovic, CMM
Suzanne Bell, CMM
Richard Birch, CMM
Roddy Blair, CMM
Philip Blake, CMM
Mark Brimacombe, CMM
Tony Browne, CMM
Simon Bryan, CMM
Debbie Burns, CMM
Charles Bush, CMM
Alistair Clarke, CMM
Andrew Collumbell, CMM
Mr Miguel Contreras, CMM
Mark Cookson, CMM
James Cotton, CMM
Search Directory
GMI courses are endorsed by the International Council of Marine Industry Associations