Certified Member Directory
There are currently over 400 Certified Marina Managers and Certified Marina Professionals across the world. The directories below list those who are working in marinas within the UK, Europe, Australasia and Asia
Global directory
Onur Ugan, CMM
Jose Antonio Valbuena, CMM
Mieke Vleugels, CMM
Robert Vrancken, CMM
Rupert Wagstaff, CMM
Alison Wakelin, CMM
Jonathan Walcroft, CMM
Nicola Walsh, CMM
Jonathan White, CMP
07717 683107work
wjuvgr@oevgvfuznevar.pb.hx INTERNET
Jon is the General Manager of The Yacht Harbour Association (TYHA).
Wil Williams, CMM
Gareth Wilson, CMM
Chris Windsor, CMM
Evan Wooldridge, CMM
Lorraine Yates, CMP
General Manager
Search Directory
GMI courses are endorsed by the International Council of Marine Industry Associations